Deja Vu

Official Music Videos

The third track to be taken from my Experiments EP is Deja Vu!  Deja Vu is the most dancey and summery track on the EP, with a real tropical vibe!  One of the main aims when planning the concept for the video was to capture that summery influence in the visuals, whilst filming in a studio in February!  The way we achieved that was to take inspiration from the film Neon Demon and Demi Lovato’s ‘Cool For The Summer’ video in terms of lighting and makeup and then running with that to make it our own.  We used fluorescent tube lights to give that ‘clubby’ party effect and then in the drops amped that up further with EL (electro luminescent) wire.  I absolutely loved using the EL wire and tying it around my hands and clothes as I’m obsessed with neon things and it gave me the opportunity to switch on my light up trainers!

Deja Vu is a really upbeat and playful track in terms of production, but it was actually quite emotional for me to write.  The lyrics are about being let down by someone close to you and you realising that you have a pattern of trusting the wrong people.  It’s a song born out of frustration from being naïve and not noticing when you are being played for a fool.  It’s that feeling of being hurt but being mostly angry at yourself as you know you could have prevented it yourself by being a bit wiser! As the third song on the EP, Deja Vu is the ‘turning point’ in the narrative, when the character starts to fully realise how toxic the relationship is and let that anger and frustration show.

Check out the video on YouTube below, and head to iTunes or Spotify to give the Experiments EP a listen!


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